Chris Sawin
23 June 2021
Invincible is so freaking good that it’s going to be difficult anticipating new episodes on a week-to-week basis. Its brutal action is mesmerizing, but Invincible has so much heart and meaning behind those punches that the show leaves an impact even when it isn’t throwing blood and severed limbs in your face. The voice acting is top notch and the story leaves you on the edge of your seat. Invincible has the potential to be one of the greatest animated superhero TV series of all time; adult or otherwise. Full review here:
04 July 2024
What can be said about _Invincible_? I know! "_The Boys_, it ain't." What does that mean? It means for this series, just like the comic book it's patterned after, it's lacking in...backbone. I find this series detestable in its lameness. It's lopsided high swearing ratio to a negative degree of gratuity is the essence of overstepping resulting in underachieving. It's just like that other Netflix series _Vox Machina_. The animation series seems like it excessively swears in order to try and overshadow its lack of tits & ass...excitement! Which is a real shame because that means it's falling under the umbrella of DEI/ESG and represent-tay-shone! Those cancerous influences on entertainment that just keep on deteriorating any hope of garnishing fans, attracting followers, or achieving some sort of agency. No one is looking for this series because there is nothing engaging about it, i.e., there is nothing to hold the male gaze. We can get our fix of violence playing video games. If we want to hear swearing, then we can call up those same friends we play online with. That leaves gratuity (tits & ass). And since DEI, ESG, and representation hold "respect of gender, skin color, and sexual orientation in such high regard" as not to offend anyone, THEN that means there is nothing of interest or going to be anything of interest to engage one's want to view said lameness that is this series. Those BS statuettes of wokeness rob and will continue to rob entertainment of anything remotely engaging, anticipatory, or (God forbid) inspiring. It's just one drama after another and that equates boring, boring, BORRRRRINNGGGG!!!! I watched the entire 2nd season, and I can honestly say I felt for this season just like I did for the first. Nothing. Not a damn thing. I don't care if there is a 3rd season or when that season will begin, play or end. It just doesn't, as a straight adult male, do anything for me, and neither did the comic. In fact, if you think this series is woke, you haven't read the comic for comparison. If you can stomach bland entertainment, then go for it. If you have anything else you could be doing or watching, I say do that!! It will infinitely more productive than vegging out to this shite series. -- Bob --